
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Friends. Friends? Friends!

**This blog was supposed to post on 4/25/2013 but I goofed.**

I don't know what's prompting this post. Although that's not entirely true. Let me get right to it...I'm meeting up with a friend from college this coming Saturday. Yippe! There's nothing more than a good chunk of time with one of my girlfriends to catch up on everything. And believe me, these days, there's always of things going on. ...and she's a "lifer!"

Virginia Woolf
In life you meet lots of people, or at least I have. The majority of them I met at college, but more of them have been recent. As I've gotten older relationships with some of these people have changed immensely, which is fine. Or is it? {hmm...still trying to pinpoint exactly how I feel.} Whether it be because of location, interests, or maturity there are so friendships that just aren't the same. ...and then there are some that are no longer all. I might be generalizing here but I think most of you will understand.

...the "Lifer." This is the person that no matter how long it's been since you've spoken to each other, or how many days have past since you last saw each other, you pick up right where you left off. You do a speed catch up, rehash the "good old days" (I think I'm too young to say that, but too late now!) and talk about things that are currently going on in your lives. More importantly, you trust them, their opinions, and their guidance; hands down with no questions asked. I LOVE THESE FRIENDS. They are the ones that will always be there for you no matter what, as they've consistently proven this throughout the years.

...the "One That Got Away." (All of Taylor Swift's boyfriends...HA! Sorry. No...I'm actually not!) People that you were once super close with. Think "BFF" type friend. Then someone moves, or you have a fight. Something has been done that shifted the dynamic of the relationship. You desperately want things to be fixed, or for them to go back to the way they were, but they don't, and they won't. No matter how hard you try, it's just not the same. ...and you drift apart. Wouldn't it be much easier if the drifting was a fast process, rather than something that goes on for months at a time? Although there were time where I would have liked that, it's almost as though you are preparing yourself to see/hear less and less from this person, until you barely speak to them. I tend to look back and ask "what would have happened if we were still that close? How would things be different?" You wish nothing but the best for these individuals, but too much has happened to get back to where you once were. Which is fine! Sometimes there are people in your life for a certain period of time for a reason, and for that piece of time only. A concept which is much easier to grasp well after the "separation."

...the "Blindsided." The person you couldn't stand, but never really took the chance to get to know. Everything about him/her is the polar opposite of you. Then, whether it be because of mutual friends, you have that "ah-ha!" moment, and it all clicks. You understand one another; and while you don't always agree on things, you respect everything about them. This can also happen another way...we all have groups of friends. Usually you're really close with one or two, friendly with a handful of them, and there's always the one person you are indifferent about. Something, unfortunately it's usually bad happens, and rather than the "close" and "friendly" friends stepping up to help you out, it's the one that you were indifferent about. Because of this one lone incident, you forget about your differences, and a connection is built.

...the "Left Speechless" This is awful to say, but after reading this, I can guarantee you will be able to identify at least one of these people! You have you're best friend and you're inseparable. You could black mail one another because you know ALL of the details (good-bad-awful) about each other. This person is your lifeline. Then out of nowhere, one of you gets thrown under the bus by the other. Perhaps he/she missed something monumental in the life of the other. Could it have been a HUGE fight, or did something tragic happen? That lifeline has now flat lined. It's instantaneous- as it's happening you immediately know that this person is now out of your life forever. You start to think back looking for "signs," but this time you aren't looking through the rose colored glasses. Examples and different instance start piling up, and you're recalling situations that now just seem (in hindsight,) off. All the while you are left thinking, "Huh. How was I friends with this person? How could someone I know so well do that?" And you don't have an answer. This person has left you speechless.

There's lots of other types of friends out there, but in one way or another they should fall into one of my "groups." Remember, friends are the brothers and sisters you weren't given; you were able to choose them. Choose wisely my blog readers :)

~Keep it ClaSea


So...two weeks ago I had typed a bunch of posts, and scheduled them to post on certain dates. What I didn’t realize (more accurately, wasn’t paying attention to,) was that I scheduled them to post at the end of THIS month even though we were still in April. I don’t know what I was thinking. Better yet, I wasn’t thinking. So I apologize in advance for the extreme number of posts this coming week…as they’re all scheduled to go up.

Tonight...Monday...Tuesday...Wednesday...Thursday...and Friday. Hope you're ready to read :)

~Keep it ClaSea