
Monday, May 26, 2014

Where In The World Is...

Where In The World Is...The Completely ClaSea blogger?

Well people, I'm backkkk and better than ever. Hectic, crazy, exhausting and stressful do not even begin to sum up the insanity that has been my life since this past November. There are so many updates to share with you I can not even begin to count them. So I'll start with a list of the BIG items, and in future posts I will elaborate on some of them!

1. We listed our house at the end of October, with intentions that it wouldn't sell until Spring 2014. Late fall and winter can be a little tricky for real estate in New England.
2. We were under contract in 45 days. (Our realtor had assured us this wouldn't happen, so to say we were completely baffled, is a massive understatement.)
3. House was officially sold at the end of February 2014.
4. I hate moving.
5. We didn't find a place to buy.
6. We still, as of today, don't have a place to rent. Although that could change very quickly this week.
7. I'm 29 and "technically" homeless for the first time in my life. (Frustrating, challenging, and exhausting are such perfect words to fit this time.)
8. Our biggest challenge in finding a place to rent is our beloved little dig Levi. Little means 75lbs.
9. We really aren't homeless, we are staying with friends.
10. I'm on a clean eating kick. 7 days in and going 125% at this. The ONLY cheat item was a (yes, singular,) tortilla chip with some salsa. I needed some salt. It was Memorial Day weekend. I am not sorry. My massive amounts of food prep over the weekend keeps me sane during the workweek.
11. I've become obsessed with Instagram, don't believe me? Check it out: Clasea116
12. It's almost been an entire YEAR since I started my job. This just proves that time flies...
13. I really disliked (could NOT stand) Juan Pablo's season of The Bachelor. I am STOKED that Andi is The Bachelorette! ...on a related note, it's SO exciting that JP & Ashley are having a baby boy!!! Love them, and have even exchanged tweets with them. (Totally geeked out when this happened.)
14. I always hated doing my hair. In the past year I've accumulated more hair spray (5 cans, all with different strength holds,) wax, mousse, and dry shampoo than I'd ever imagine. Oh yes, I also am now OBSESSED with curling my hair, and even bought a triple barrel iron. Believe me I will explain.
15. I'm in my second consecutive term as a Board member for the YPWA Worcester: Young Professional Women's Association of Worcester.  The women are amazing, their ideas are inspiring, and their dedication to their passions is unwavering; but the friendships are going to be lifelong.

...and on those "few updates" I am going to leave you to enjoy what is left of your Memorial Day Weekend. Please remember the true meaning behind your cookouts and three day weekend.

~Keep It ClaSea xox