
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Lifestyle Change.

May 18th.
I made a HUGE lifestyle decision, I was going to start "clean eating" and religiously working out. Like any other smart person I decided to start the week before Memorial Day Weekend. What the $*&# was I thinking?!? As someone who considers herself a foodie and is always ready to go out to eat, while enjoying some beer and wine; I had convinced myself I was going to be homicidal by the end of the first week.

Background Story.
Many have asked "why are you doing this," "what's wrong with you," and I've gotten to occasional "are you sick?" I am doing this because I was inspired by a friend. More on her below, but check her out for some crazy good food on Instagram @hangrygirl; you won't be disappointed! At the same time I was being inspired, I was becoming seriously upset with myself and how uncomfortable I felt every day with the way I looked. There's nothing wrong with me. I had gotten into a rut that I couldn't get myself out of. I was constantly eating out, or "grabbing something on the go," and it was starting to show. My metabolism was never fast, but now that I'm "older" I started to become more attentive of areas that weren't necessarily my trouble spots. My mom always says "a minute on the lips forever on the hips." That meant nothing to me until my mid twenties, and now I can fully grasp the concept. Why is it that because someone is clean eating people assume that I'm sick? I'm not sick. I was sick of all of the crap that I was eating, the clothes that didn't fit me, or clothes that 'fit' but looked like spandex when they weren't supposed to. I wanted to be healthier and I wanted to feel better about myself.

Here's the difference after one month:

While I'm quite sure you can see the differences yourself, allow me to indulge and point out some of my favorites! I still have chubby cheeks, but I don't look like a squirrel hoarding acorns; my eyes don't look like they're peeking out of hot dog buns, meet my neck because you can actually see it, my nose looks smaller- which is still quite odd; and my chin actually has a shape, albeit pointy, but it's "prominent!"

July 6th.
Tomorrow, I will be 7 weeks in...and obviously I didn't go on a homicidal tirade. I've grown to love the things that I am eating, although I really don't like Sundays and prepping food for an entire week. I feel much better, I have more energy throughout the work day, and this will sound odd, but I am more alert. It's kind of like a fog has been lifted. My skin has never been better; it's not as oily, NO blemishes, and it's certainly not as dry! I have a cheat meal once a week. Sometimes if I am feeling really good about a week, I will allow myself two cheat meals, but NEVER on the same day. Clothes are starting to fall off me, things that I couldn't fit into are now too big. Yes, I've lost weight, but that really isn't the point. I wanted to be comfortable being me.

I ordered the shirt that I'm wearing below from RueLaLa after the Boston Marathon bombings. I was so excited when it arrived, and immediately tried it on. I had ordered a Large, which is what I always wore. When I say that I had a breakdown and cried when I put the shirt on, I am being 110% honest. It was like stuffing myself into a wet suit and I couldn't breathe. I was so uncomfortable that I checked the tag to see if they sent the wrong size. They didn't. I've worn this shirt once, and had a hoodie on over it so you couldn't see that the letters were pulling apart because of the shirt stretching. Sounds pretty, doesn't it?'s me wearing the shirt yesterday. It fits loosely, and I didn't have to hide it under a hoodie.

Eating & My Tricks
1. Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables. Eat them ALL of the time. Eat them with breakfast. Eat them as a snack. East as many veggies as you want!
2. Food preparation. I cook my lunch & dinner for the week on Sunday nights. It's my "you have no excuse to say lunch wasn't ready." It's pretty hard to open your fridge, see it full of Tupperware with various meals that are literally grab and go.
3. Take the stairs. Park far away from the building entrance. It's forced me to get in more exercise than I would normally. This doesn't mean I take the stairs every single time, but I make a conscious effort!
4. Water, seltzer, black coffee, black tea. No sugars. No sweeteners. It really is not as bad as you are thinking.
5. MOVE! Go to the gym, go for a walk, take a Zumba class. You have to start somewhere, and you need the exercise to truly get the benefits.
6. The most important: you MUST eat! Starving yourself isn't going to work. You will crash and burn. I eat 3 meals a day and have 2 decent sized snacks. Here's an example of a typical day:
  • Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal made with almond milk topped with whole berries or some type of fruit. Black hazelnut iced coffee.
  • Lunch: Cooked chicken breast with Mrs. Dash seasoning over a bed of baby spinach. Bed of spinach= 2 handfuls. Side of cinnamon coated baked sweet potatoes.
  • Snack 1: Handful of almonds and a piece of fruit. Right now I'm obsessed with white nectarines.
  • Dinner: A piece of haddock topped with diced red and green peppers, sweet corn kernels, chopped red onion, black beans, minced jalapeno, and a squirt of lime juice.
  • Snack 2: Rice cake with almond butter...or maple butter...or pumpkin spice almond butter. You get the idea. Cup of almond milk and two glasses of water.
  • Drinks: I have a black coffee every morning with NOTHING in it. I drink 2 bottles of seltzer a day while at work. Usually at work I will also have 3-4 travel cups of iced water. Once I get home I am always refilling my water bottle. Bottom line, I am always drinking! Which means I can always tell you where the closest bathroom is!

Weight Loss!
Pretty much everyone I know has asked "how much weight have you lost?" While I am keeping track of that, and a select few people know, that is NOT the focus of this. Does it hurt that I've lost weight? Certainly not. If anything it's an added bonus. Maybe I will share that story another day. I can guarantee you that I am sparing you from some of the before and after/current pictures. The most you'll ever see is a headshot difference, or a fully clothed before & after in the same clothes. That my friends is a promise. If you want specifics of what I am doing, comment/email me, or see me on Instagram @clasea116 ...please remember, I am doing what works for ME and I can't promise the same will work for you. I'm not a doctor, and I don't pretend to be one and I have no nutritional background...I am just making smart life choices.

My Inspiration?
The HANGRYGIRL! She's one of my favoritest people in the world, yes, I know that's not a word! She's one of my closest friends, my work wifey, my volunteer buddy, and a fitness bikini competitor! No worries readers, I am leaving the strutting across the stage to her! You can check her out here: If you want a lesson in dedication and self commitment, read her story. She has been instrumental to keeping me on track, and commiserating with me when I've had a "blah" kind of day! She is AMAZEBALLS!

Keep it ClaSea

Friday, June 13, 2014

Living The Lofty Life

We aren't staying with friends anymore.
We aren't homeless.
Levi was accepted.

We have a LOFT!

As many of you have read, we were in a tight spot when our house sold, and it made me go crazyyyy. I am not joking. There is nothing fun about living out of your suitcase. Scampering from the bathroom after a shower to the room you're staying in, despite being wrapped up in a towel, makes you feel like you are butt naked and on display for the world to see. Sleeping on an air mattress is "exciting" for 1 night; then it's hellacious.

We are now in a beautiful loft, that is nothing that I ever pictured myself living in. Ok, maybe if I was 25 and living in NYC it would be right on trend, and probably quite glamorous. I'm envisioning that would be all whites and silvers, flowy white curtains, and tons of sparkly things. However that really isn't me. Maybe in a former Sex In The City Life of mine.

Here's what this place has to offer. It has high ceilings. Exposed beams and duct work. A brick wall with five massive windows. A double sided fireplace (below) with a swivel mount TV. Kitchen with stainless steel appliances and a wine fridge. Waterfalls outside. A gym right below our unit. ...and Levi was TOTALLY welcomed! Who doesn't love pet friendly living places?!


I'm in my happy place being here. It's super convenient to everything as well- my job! the farmers market, shopping, highways, our friends, gas stations, and so much more. Until you live out in the "sticks" like we did for three plus years, you don't understand how nice it is to not drive 25minutes to get to a main highway. Or knowing that you have to get gas the night before a storm because the gas station will most likely be out of gas the day of said storm. 

It's certainly smaller than what we're used to, but it's cozy and unbelievably comfortable. It's given me an excuse to buy new things (towels, benches, other housewares) that we certainly don't need but this girl LOVES to shop. But most's OURS! 

Check out my Instagram account, "Clasea116" to see some of these amazing features.

Keep It ClaSea

Monday, May 26, 2014

Where In The World Is...

Where In The World Is...The Completely ClaSea blogger?

Well people, I'm backkkk and better than ever. Hectic, crazy, exhausting and stressful do not even begin to sum up the insanity that has been my life since this past November. There are so many updates to share with you I can not even begin to count them. So I'll start with a list of the BIG items, and in future posts I will elaborate on some of them!

1. We listed our house at the end of October, with intentions that it wouldn't sell until Spring 2014. Late fall and winter can be a little tricky for real estate in New England.
2. We were under contract in 45 days. (Our realtor had assured us this wouldn't happen, so to say we were completely baffled, is a massive understatement.)
3. House was officially sold at the end of February 2014.
4. I hate moving.
5. We didn't find a place to buy.
6. We still, as of today, don't have a place to rent. Although that could change very quickly this week.
7. I'm 29 and "technically" homeless for the first time in my life. (Frustrating, challenging, and exhausting are such perfect words to fit this time.)
8. Our biggest challenge in finding a place to rent is our beloved little dig Levi. Little means 75lbs.
9. We really aren't homeless, we are staying with friends.
10. I'm on a clean eating kick. 7 days in and going 125% at this. The ONLY cheat item was a (yes, singular,) tortilla chip with some salsa. I needed some salt. It was Memorial Day weekend. I am not sorry. My massive amounts of food prep over the weekend keeps me sane during the workweek.
11. I've become obsessed with Instagram, don't believe me? Check it out: Clasea116
12. It's almost been an entire YEAR since I started my job. This just proves that time flies...
13. I really disliked (could NOT stand) Juan Pablo's season of The Bachelor. I am STOKED that Andi is The Bachelorette! ...on a related note, it's SO exciting that JP & Ashley are having a baby boy!!! Love them, and have even exchanged tweets with them. (Totally geeked out when this happened.)
14. I always hated doing my hair. In the past year I've accumulated more hair spray (5 cans, all with different strength holds,) wax, mousse, and dry shampoo than I'd ever imagine. Oh yes, I also am now OBSESSED with curling my hair, and even bought a triple barrel iron. Believe me I will explain.
15. I'm in my second consecutive term as a Board member for the YPWA Worcester: Young Professional Women's Association of Worcester.  The women are amazing, their ideas are inspiring, and their dedication to their passions is unwavering; but the friendships are going to be lifelong.

...and on those "few updates" I am going to leave you to enjoy what is left of your Memorial Day Weekend. Please remember the true meaning behind your cookouts and three day weekend.

~Keep It ClaSea xox

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pallet Trays

So, like everybody else, I've become fascinated with the numerous use of pallets. I mean have you seen what some people are turning them into?? Let me start with the two things that I love: their versatility and the rustic effect of the wood. My sister and brother in law were having a house warming party and I wanted to get them something. The more I thought about it, the more clueless I was about what to get them. Then I found some inspiration courtesy of Pinterest of course. Here is a link to the original image that got my wheels spinning: Inspiration Trays.
Luckily we already had pallets. No, not one or two pallets...maybe 6-8. My husband had been bringing them home from work for me for another project that I was going to do, but that had to get scrapped. Sigh. (We will get to that!) All that was needed were handles, sanding paper or a sanding block, and some stain. Once we got back from picking up those (everything was purchased at Lowe's) I asked the hubby ever so sweetly if he could separate the boards and remove the nails for me. Next, I picked the pieces that I liked best; I didn't want them to be perfect, I wanted some impurities in the wood, and it was alright with me if they were slightly warped as it created character. Once I had the pieces laid out, I knew I wanted to make two trays, with one being slightly larger than the other.
Picked The Pieces
Then I asked the hubby to cut the wood into the lengths that I had measured. It doesn't matter if your cuts on these horizontal pieces are slightly crooked, jagged, or rough; they'll be covered by the vertical pieces that hold the unit together. Again, these aren't supposed to look perfect; at least I didn't want these to look that way!
Measured & Ready to Be Cut
Next was probably the worst part of the entire project, the sanding. I had purchased one of the sanding blocks, it look like a gigantic nail buffer. I knew I wouldn't enjoy this part, so that is why I wanted until the wood was cut down to size. No need to do extra work on the ends that were going to be scrap! I sanded. And sanded. And sanded. Then sanded more. Just when I thought I had sanded them enough I decided to go at them once again. Figured I'd rather be safe than slivered! Make sure you sand the tops, bottoms, ends, and all sides of the pieces. The sides are really most important on the pieces where the edges will be exposed. Sand everything as consistently as you can. It is a huge pain in the butt and will make your arms and wrists hurt, but it's necessary. (Please note, I am now asking for a sander for Christmas.)
 Post Sanding
I am sure that you can see the difference in the color of the pallet wood. The sanding also helps to get off any stains from items that were on the pallets (in this case car parts,) but also helps to bring out patterns in the grain of the wood, and any knots that you might not have been able to see before. When everything was sanded and smooth, it was time to assemble the pieces. My way of determining if they were smooth? Gently rubbing my hand back and forth. Not the best (or safest,) way to test, but it worked for me, and I didn't end up with ANY slivers. Before I started drilling things together, I brushed the pieces off with a dry cloth and then wiped them with a damp cloth. No need to stain the dust that was left from the sanding process. Believe me, it goes EVERYWHERE.
Now I had everything wiped down, pieced together (again,) and ready to go. I flipped all of the pieces over, and began to drill in the screws. You want to make sure that the screws are a length that will NOT go through both pieces of the wood. I made sure to measure their length prior to using them, although I didn't remember to take a picture of this. Face down on your work surface you will have the two smaller pieces running vertically. I then placed the longer pieces running horizontally, and made sure to line up the edges. I screwed them in with a drill in a random order, one on one side, then to the other side, and so forth and so on. I never screwed the same board back to back. This allowed me to check that boards were staying where I needed them to, but also allowed me to make slight tweaks if I needed to ever so slightly realign the pieces. You should end up with a crew on each side of each piece of wood that is running horizontally.
Once they were all secured it was time to flip them over and stain. I must admit that this was my biggest challenge. Not the actual staining process, choosing the color of the stain! There were SO many. Knowing my sister's design aesthetic, I opted for a lighter color that was somewhat reminiscent of beach colors, this color ended up being SPOT on with what I wanted. The other perk? The color on the label, and the color of the stain are the same. You know what I am talking about, you get paint or stain and the color inside doesn't really look like the color on the label, or that little dot that they so nicely put on the top lid for  you.
Highly Recommended!
I applied two coats of the stain to achieve the desired color. Although I loved using this and the color made we want to redo everything in my house, I was amazed at how badly the stuff smelled. No, I wasn't in an enclosed area. I was outside which surprised me even more that the aroma bothered me. Oh well, live and learn. After the stain had dried completely (the longest step in the process,) overnight, it was time to add the hardware. I'm sure staining things during the end of August in the humidity isn't recommended but since when have I ever followed directions?
I remember my husband asking me if I was going to measure where the hardware needed to go so that it was even. My response, of course, was "no, I will eyeball it." ...luckily for me, they are pretty spot on. Again though, some of the imperfections add to the charm of the piece. All four handles were attached- TA DA! I was in love. That always seems to happen, you make something for someone else and you desperately want it. Needless to say, I am currently working on my own set of pallet trays.

If you are anything like me you want to see the full before and after effect. Don't worry I made sure to do a side by side shot...don't you just love the features in the "InstaCollage" app? That's where I got the frame and where I added the text to the image you see below. 
Before & After
..and here is one of the trays in the New Hampshire surroundings it now gets to enjoy. Whether you are using these outside, as tray tables to eat off of, or trays to help you carry lots of things from one place to another (think at a dinner party!) the uses are endless. Perfect example of this, the tray was put on the dining room table, with silverware, plates, and napkins for the desserts!
Finished Product
~Keep It ClaSea


Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweat It Out

Three weeks ago I started hitting the gym. At work. Crazy right? Wrong. I love it! Not only does my gym "membership" cost me $8 a month, which by the way is literally unbeatable; I have a workout buddy. We help each other push through the not so fun parts of the workouts. Like jumping jacks, while holding 5lb weights. You are sitting there thinking, well that doesn't sound so bad. Go try it, I dare you.

Here are the workouts that my gym buddy and I are currently doing:
Monday: Butt, Legs & Abs
Tuesday: Arms & Chest
Wednesday: Back & Shoulders
Thursday: Butt, Legs & Abs
Friday: You Choose!

So I figured I'd give you some workout inspiration because there are days when I need it, so I'm sure there are days when all of you need that extra little push to get yourself to the gym, to lace up the sneakers, or to max out your workout! For hose of you that want MORE, here's the link to my Pinterest Sweat It Out board, where I get ALL of my inspiration, motivation, and workout plans! But for are a few of my all time favorites...

I'd rather have a good looking butt than one that sags!

It's certainly a great way to take out any anger or built up frustration. Have you ever noticed that you run harder and faster when you're angry?

You will go to bed with satisfaction, and sleep much better! One of the GREATEST perks of working out and running, especially because this girl LOVES her sleep!

The right frame of mind is half of the battle.

Nothing worth working for was ever easy. Challenge yourself.

Always helpful to remember this, or just imagine Jillian Michaels screaming in your face. Pretty sure that would keep me going!

Like the "Little Engine That Could" always remember "I think I can..."

This is why my mascara is smeared down my face....SWEAT it out!

I'd rather be healthy and strong!
As I once read somewhere, "skinny girls look good with clothes on, fit girls look good naked."

Bahahahahaha....I find this absolutely hysterical. But it's so true. If you don't sweat you are NOT working hard enough.

This doesn't mean what it used to mean! And if you can have your legs look like this...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Four Months!

So it's been FOUR months since I've written my last blog. I can't believe it's been that long, time apparently does fly. In these past four months though there have been lots of changes. I am not joking when I say that, I'm not sure that many other people have all of this going on in such a short period of time. So here are four exciting tidbits about what's been happening in this ClaSea Lady's life!

1. I have a new job! Disclaimer: I don't really like referring to it as a job, as I am planning on making this into a career, and the opportunities I could have at this company are endless. I started back in June and have loved every single minute and all of the things that have come along with it. Before this, I was at my previous job for 5 years and had been toying with the idea of leaving for quite some time, but I never really felt ready; more importantly, never felt confident enough to actually leave. Then with the suggestions of some friends, and the support of the hubbster, I bit the bullet. All it took was some patience, an application, a phone interview, a killer suit, two half hour long "team interviews," and high scores on assessment tests...and I WAS IN! Although I made this sound like a quick process...believe me, it wasn't! I applied in the beginning of March and started in the beginning of June. I remained patient and optimistic, two things which are not easy for me! This time it paid off.

2. I have a NEW (well new to me,) car! I am 28 years old and now have my first car payment. I've been fortunate enough that all cars that I had were given to me from my parents when they bought new ones, or that it was a company vehicle. My new "whip" is a black Milan; it's shiny, super comfy, and the things can MOVE! Not that I drive fast or anything...all that'd left to do is name it. Yes, you read that correctly. I think that is something that I've gotten from my father. Is it wrong that I LOVE making this payment every month? Hopefully that spirit will keep up over the next few years, especially as I am aiming to have the car paid off a few months in advance!

3. New friends and stronger friendships. Since I've started my job, I've been very fortunate. You see, there were 3 women that helped me get there. One I knew for over seven years, the other a few months, and one I had spent maybe 5 hours with; and they all played a huge role in me getting this new gig. These three are some of my favorite ladies to be around and the added bonus is that our husbands are all friends and Levi has made some new doggie friends. We have huge dinners together, we send silly snapchats, we vent about everything, we all work together, and we hang out OUTSIDE of work!

4. A "normal" schedule. Working in retail afforded me a few luxuries: I was able to create my own schedule and I could sleep in late Monday-Friday. The downsides to being a retail worker: late nights, working on holidays & weekends, never actually being "off" from work. I am now working with the rest of the "normal" world, as I like to say. I'm at work for 7:30am, and I'm home before 5:30pm. I've become that person who has traded an actual lunch break for a hard workout in the company gym. I thoroughly enjoy my commute, it's no longer a ride of dread in the mornings, or a ride of sheer frustration on the way home. I get home and I'm able to do some laundry, clean, and cook dinner. These might sound silly to you, but before I wasn't getting home until 7pm or 8pm depending on the night of the week. Whatever needed to be done was always crammed into one day of the week, which was usually the day I was off. I'm now able to do a little bit here and a little bit there and am not nearly as overwhelmed by everything as I once was. It's definitely the little things that I am more appreciative of.

...until next time readers...

~Keep It ClaSea

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Friends. Friends? Friends!

**This blog was supposed to post on 4/25/2013 but I goofed.**

I don't know what's prompting this post. Although that's not entirely true. Let me get right to it...I'm meeting up with a friend from college this coming Saturday. Yippe! There's nothing more than a good chunk of time with one of my girlfriends to catch up on everything. And believe me, these days, there's always of things going on. ...and she's a "lifer!"

Virginia Woolf
In life you meet lots of people, or at least I have. The majority of them I met at college, but more of them have been recent. As I've gotten older relationships with some of these people have changed immensely, which is fine. Or is it? {hmm...still trying to pinpoint exactly how I feel.} Whether it be because of location, interests, or maturity there are so friendships that just aren't the same. ...and then there are some that are no longer all. I might be generalizing here but I think most of you will understand.

...the "Lifer." This is the person that no matter how long it's been since you've spoken to each other, or how many days have past since you last saw each other, you pick up right where you left off. You do a speed catch up, rehash the "good old days" (I think I'm too young to say that, but too late now!) and talk about things that are currently going on in your lives. More importantly, you trust them, their opinions, and their guidance; hands down with no questions asked. I LOVE THESE FRIENDS. They are the ones that will always be there for you no matter what, as they've consistently proven this throughout the years.

...the "One That Got Away." (All of Taylor Swift's boyfriends...HA! Sorry. No...I'm actually not!) People that you were once super close with. Think "BFF" type friend. Then someone moves, or you have a fight. Something has been done that shifted the dynamic of the relationship. You desperately want things to be fixed, or for them to go back to the way they were, but they don't, and they won't. No matter how hard you try, it's just not the same. ...and you drift apart. Wouldn't it be much easier if the drifting was a fast process, rather than something that goes on for months at a time? Although there were time where I would have liked that, it's almost as though you are preparing yourself to see/hear less and less from this person, until you barely speak to them. I tend to look back and ask "what would have happened if we were still that close? How would things be different?" You wish nothing but the best for these individuals, but too much has happened to get back to where you once were. Which is fine! Sometimes there are people in your life for a certain period of time for a reason, and for that piece of time only. A concept which is much easier to grasp well after the "separation."

...the "Blindsided." The person you couldn't stand, but never really took the chance to get to know. Everything about him/her is the polar opposite of you. Then, whether it be because of mutual friends, you have that "ah-ha!" moment, and it all clicks. You understand one another; and while you don't always agree on things, you respect everything about them. This can also happen another way...we all have groups of friends. Usually you're really close with one or two, friendly with a handful of them, and there's always the one person you are indifferent about. Something, unfortunately it's usually bad happens, and rather than the "close" and "friendly" friends stepping up to help you out, it's the one that you were indifferent about. Because of this one lone incident, you forget about your differences, and a connection is built.

...the "Left Speechless" This is awful to say, but after reading this, I can guarantee you will be able to identify at least one of these people! You have you're best friend and you're inseparable. You could black mail one another because you know ALL of the details (good-bad-awful) about each other. This person is your lifeline. Then out of nowhere, one of you gets thrown under the bus by the other. Perhaps he/she missed something monumental in the life of the other. Could it have been a HUGE fight, or did something tragic happen? That lifeline has now flat lined. It's instantaneous- as it's happening you immediately know that this person is now out of your life forever. You start to think back looking for "signs," but this time you aren't looking through the rose colored glasses. Examples and different instance start piling up, and you're recalling situations that now just seem (in hindsight,) off. All the while you are left thinking, "Huh. How was I friends with this person? How could someone I know so well do that?" And you don't have an answer. This person has left you speechless.

There's lots of other types of friends out there, but in one way or another they should fall into one of my "groups." Remember, friends are the brothers and sisters you weren't given; you were able to choose them. Choose wisely my blog readers :)

~Keep it ClaSea