So it's been FOUR months since I've written my last blog. I can't believe it's been that long, time apparently does fly. In these past four months though there have been lots of changes. I am not joking when I say that, I'm not sure that many other people have all of this going on in such a short period of time. So here are four exciting tidbits about what's been happening in this ClaSea Lady's life!

1. I have a new job! Disclaimer: I don't really like referring to it as a job, as I am planning on making this into a career, and the opportunities I could have at this company are endless. I started back in June and have loved every single minute and all of the things that have come along with it. Before this, I was at my previous job for 5 years and had been toying with the idea of leaving for quite some time, but I never really felt ready; more importantly, never felt confident enough to actually leave. Then with the suggestions of some friends, and the support of the hubbster, I bit the bullet. All it took was some patience, an application, a phone interview, a killer suit, two half hour long "team interviews," and high scores on assessment tests...and I WAS IN! Although I made this sound like a quick process...believe me, it wasn't! I applied in the beginning of March and started in the beginning of June. I remained patient and optimistic, two things which are not easy for me! This time it paid off.
2. I have a NEW (well new to me,) car! I am 28 years old and now have my first car payment. I've been fortunate enough that all cars that I had were given to me from my parents when they bought new ones, or that it was a company vehicle. My new "whip" is a black Milan; it's shiny, super comfy, and the things can MOVE! Not that I drive fast or anything...all that'd left to do is name it. Yes, you read that correctly. I think that is something that I've gotten from my father. Is it wrong that I LOVE making this payment every month? Hopefully that spirit will keep up over the next few years, especially as I am aiming to have the car paid off a few months in advance!
3. New friends and stronger friendships. Since I've started my job, I've been very fortunate. You see, there were 3 women that helped me get there. One I knew for over seven years, the other a few months, and one I had spent maybe 5 hours with; and they all played a huge role in me getting this new gig. These three are some of my favorite ladies to be around and the added bonus is that our husbands are all friends and Levi has made some new doggie friends. We have huge dinners together, we send silly snapchats, we vent about everything, we all work together, and we hang out OUTSIDE of work!
4. A "normal" schedule. Working in retail afforded me a few luxuries: I was able to create my own schedule and I could sleep in late Monday-Friday. The downsides to being a retail worker: late nights, working on holidays & weekends, never actually being "off" from work. I am now working with the rest of the "normal" world, as I like to say. I'm at work for 7:30am, and I'm home before 5:30pm. I've become that person who has traded an actual lunch break for a hard workout in the company gym. I thoroughly enjoy my commute, it's no longer a ride of dread in the mornings, or a ride of sheer frustration on the way home. I get home and I'm able to do some laundry, clean, and cook dinner. These might sound silly to you, but before I wasn't getting home until 7pm or 8pm depending on the night of the week. Whatever needed to be done was always crammed into one day of the week, which was usually the day I was off. I'm now able to do a little bit here and a little bit there and am not nearly as overwhelmed by everything as I once was. It's definitely the little things that I am more appreciative of.
...until next time readers...
~Keep It ClaSea