
Monday, September 16, 2013

Sweat It Out

Three weeks ago I started hitting the gym. At work. Crazy right? Wrong. I love it! Not only does my gym "membership" cost me $8 a month, which by the way is literally unbeatable; I have a workout buddy. We help each other push through the not so fun parts of the workouts. Like jumping jacks, while holding 5lb weights. You are sitting there thinking, well that doesn't sound so bad. Go try it, I dare you.

Here are the workouts that my gym buddy and I are currently doing:
Monday: Butt, Legs & Abs
Tuesday: Arms & Chest
Wednesday: Back & Shoulders
Thursday: Butt, Legs & Abs
Friday: You Choose!

So I figured I'd give you some workout inspiration because there are days when I need it, so I'm sure there are days when all of you need that extra little push to get yourself to the gym, to lace up the sneakers, or to max out your workout! For hose of you that want MORE, here's the link to my Pinterest Sweat It Out board, where I get ALL of my inspiration, motivation, and workout plans! But for are a few of my all time favorites...

I'd rather have a good looking butt than one that sags!

It's certainly a great way to take out any anger or built up frustration. Have you ever noticed that you run harder and faster when you're angry?

You will go to bed with satisfaction, and sleep much better! One of the GREATEST perks of working out and running, especially because this girl LOVES her sleep!

The right frame of mind is half of the battle.

Nothing worth working for was ever easy. Challenge yourself.

Always helpful to remember this, or just imagine Jillian Michaels screaming in your face. Pretty sure that would keep me going!

Like the "Little Engine That Could" always remember "I think I can..."

This is why my mascara is smeared down my face....SWEAT it out!

I'd rather be healthy and strong!
As I once read somewhere, "skinny girls look good with clothes on, fit girls look good naked."

Bahahahahaha....I find this absolutely hysterical. But it's so true. If you don't sweat you are NOT working hard enough.

This doesn't mean what it used to mean! And if you can have your legs look like this...

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