
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Take a Chance Day- 4/23/2013

Take a Chance Day

So here goes nothing! For those of you that didn't know me back in high school, I ran cross country and track in the spring. I remember coming home after one of the first few days of school my freshman year and telling my parents I signed up to run cross country. My mom smiled and I don't recall her saying anything, just kind of staring at me with a very surprised expression. My dad on the other hand responded very seriously with, "you know that is distance running, right?" Me, "...yes." All the while thinking oh no, what have I gotten myself into. I figured it'd be good conditioning for basketball, but never really though about the "cross country" part of it. Turned out, and I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but back then (10+ years ago,) I was good. Not good, but quite good; much to the shock of my parents. (Horn tooted! If you need proof, I can find my medals!) Then in college I played basketball and ended up having some problems (more along the lines of LOTS of problems,) with my ankles, which essentially ended my collegiate basketball career; if you could have called it that. Ever since then running has been something I occasionally do, but never really dove right back into and I should have. Yesterday, April 23, 2013, was “Take a Chance Day.” So thank you Liz for being the inspiration behind all of this! Liz (a friend from Regiville,) was the one that told me it was “Take a Chance Day,” which led to this decision, and subsequently this post.

     I am going to run at least four 5k’s (in the running world that’s 3.2miles,) by the end of this year. (Sidenote: Did I mention there are some GREAT quotes about running?? Two of my favorite are in this post.) Currently, I am thinking “just shoot me, you're insane, when was the last time you actually RAN?" Yes, I'm insane! The only running I've done recently is chasing after Levi, or to the fridge to get some ice cream during TV commercials. This will be fun. (Insert sarcasm.) However, here’s how I look at it. I’m trying to be more attentive to my overall health, and running certainly isn’t going to slow that process down…and I’ve never complained about shedding a few pounds! I used to be able to run 10 miles because “I felt like it,” or because that was the practice course of the day; and I miss being able to do that! The last reason is because there’s a 5k in September that I know my dad will run, and I want to be able to do it with him. (More about that in a separate post.) ...maybe, my sister and I will be able to run one together with our husbands? I know how I need to train, but I also downloaded the “Couch to 5K” application on my phone, as an additional way to monitor and keep track of how I’m doing. 

     I am aiming to have the first race completed by the end of July…and then will register for other runs! I know that one of the four will ABSOLUTELY be the color run. I’ve had tons of friends run it, and it looks like a blast! It’s exciting and scary, but something I am definitely looking forward to doing. What are your suggestions for running shoes? I used to be a HUGE fan of Reebok’s (whether they were sneakers, flats, or my spikes,) but in recent years I’ve found that the shoes are not what the used to be. …and I’m flat footed, so I need something with crazy arch support. I will definitely need to create a play list for running, have you been listening to anything that’s helped you keep going? Your suggestions on ALL of this are greatly appreciated, as I'll surely need the motivation the next few weeks :)

**This is all starting on Monday, so please excuse any posts early next week that are full of complaints about sore muscles and not being able to move!**

-Keep It ClaSea

Monday, April 22, 2013


I've been doing lots of thinking the past few days, which is always a bad sign, as those thoughts lead to rambling tangents. I will try to keep it condensed, but bare with me as these pertain to numerous aspects of life. Boundaries. We all have them, and we've all broken them. Below I've listed some examples, and posted my thoughts on them; and why I think they have broken personal boundaries, or come pretty darn close!

#1. "The Announcement."
     It used to happen in this order: engagement, marriage, babies. Now throw all of that out the window. At any point in time if you (typically a 22+ y/o female,) announce you have "news," to share, people immediately shout "You're pregnant!!" From there here's how it plays out...I know because I've been there. Your response: "Uhhh no." Everyone else, "What's that?" "You're not?! Are you sure?" (Seriously, who asks that?!) "Oh. Ok." "So (long awkward pause,) what's the news?" Don't you just LOVE that? You say you aren't pregnant and just like that you've killed the interest they had in your news. Good luck getting them that excited about the purchase of your new puppy. Why don't people ask, "is it a promotion? a new job? did you buy a house? are you moving? you're getting married?" Aren't those questions far more plausible?
     In this situation I'm a firm believer in waiting for the news to be shared, rather than starting with rapid fire guesses/questions. But what really gets my wheels spinning is why do people feel that it's ok to constantly question women about whether or not they are pregnant? Or when they are having children? Or why haven't you had a child yet? This is a SUPER personal question! How would you feel if the assumed pregnant woman responded with, "when was the last time you had sex with your spouse?" Are you now uncomfortable? If your answer is yes, then the mission is accomplished. Not only is this very personal but it's highly invasive. There's a multitude of reasons why this question shouldn't be asked- and lots of those reasons are crossing many personal boundaries.
     Just for your giggles...Here are two "humorous" situations I've been in. I can assure you that during both of these situations I was not giggling. Nor was I giggling 24 hours after.
     Situation One: Person, "You seem to be glowing today, are you expecting?" My response, "Thanks, but no, I am not." All the while I can't help but think "WTF, do you mean I look dull every other day?"
     Situation Two: Person, "You look 'fuller' than the last time I saw you." Me, "Excuse me?" Person: "It's ok, you must be 3-4 months along, right?" Me: "Nope, not pregnant, just gained some weight."

#2. "That Friend."
     You know exactly who I'm talking about, it's the friend who is TOO interested, despite their adamant denials of any interest in your significant other. Whether it's a hug that lasts too long, a gaze that leaves their cheeks flushed, or just someone too physically clingy; to "that friend" I suggest you heed these words of advice: back off and check yourself. People pick up on your actions, and quite a bit can be determined from one's body language. Not only are you making yourself look like a fool, you are putting your "friend" and his/her significant other in an uncomfortable spot. The significant other wants to (at the very least,) rip your head off; your friend tries to play it down- what else are they really supposed to do; and everyone is watching you grovel for something that you can't have. Haven't you noticed that no one else has found excuse after excuse to hug or touch the person? Desperation isn't a good look on anyone.
     Being overly "touchy feely" with someone else's significant other is equivalent to playing with fire. I have no tolerance for this, nor should the person who feels as though they are being disrespected. If you are "that friend," you need to respect that YOU are not IN the relationship. I'm sure that at one point in time, you had a chance to develop your the friendship into more, but nothing happened. There's a reason for that. And a reason it's in the past. So leave it there. In the end you'll only end up ruining your friendship. You haven't just broken one boundary by being "that friend," you've broken a handful.

#3. "How Rude."
     Simply belittling or teasing someone for something they've done that doesn't pertain to any aspect of your life is wrong, and rude! Not only are you making yourself sound absurd, you are bordering on being offensive, and could be close to "crossing the line." (The line, for those of you that don't know, is an invisible boundary we've set!) Here's an example, I get a great new haircut that I am obsessed with. The next day I am told, "I don't like that hair cut, it makes you look like a child." I don't recall asking your opinion post-haircut, and I didn't ask for your opinion prior to getting my hair cut. I don't look like a child, but you are the one teasing me, because you don't like what I did to my hair? Interesting...this affects you how? Wait, it doesn't. Why be rude just because you can be? It's not going to win you a prize, it won't make you any new friends, and it certainly knocked you down a notch in my book. There's no need for it. You aren't necessarily in this case being a "boundary breaker," but in my personal opinion you are certainly pushing the limits. Be respectful of others, and as my mom told us growing up "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

     There's a lot more for me to touch upon with regards to this topic, but I'll save it for another day. Your feedback and comments are always welcomed, whether they're in agreement or complete disagreement. Have a great night everyone!

~Keep It ClaSea

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Marathon Madness

Patriot’s Day.
Tax Day.
Boston Marathon.
Red Sox Day Game.
Gruesome Injuries.


Never in a million years would I have thought those last few words would become synonymous with the Boston Marathon. This was once a truly wonderful mark of springtime creeping into the city of Boston...and now, one can only imagine how it will be viewed in the years to follow.

I spent four years at Regis College, which is located in Weston, MA, just outside of Boston. It was inevitable that every year we were packing up and going to the race to cheer on friends and of course, when we were of age having “marathons” of our own. When you go to school near or in the city of Boston; better yet actually move to the city, the city becomes yours. You feel ownership, you pick up the Boston accent; which is like a language in itself; you live for the diversity of the city, and have an overwhelming sense of pride that is accompanied by a twinge of arrogance. The city becomes your home, regardless of who you are, or where you originally arrived from. You are now a Bostonian! ...and although it's not a saying, "Once a Bostonian, ALWAYS a Bostonian" it is the truth.

All these years later, I still feel that same sense of ownership. My sense of pride has not faltered, but my heart is saddened. You never think it will happen to you or in “your city.” Then it does. You think you are untouchable. Then the bubble is popped. Once the initial shock has hit you, you have tremendous amounts of pride and appreciation for the first responders. To the police officers, volunteers, and the medical staff that are on site and in the hospitals; a tremendous thank you to all of you for keeping your sanity and composure at a time when I'm sure you couldn't begin to fathom what was going to happen next. And to the runners that crossed the line and started attending to the wounded? There are not words sufficient enough to describe your efforts. 

Marathon Monday will never be the same to these people. Point blankly, Marathon Monday, in every single aspect will never be the same.

As of April 15, 2013, this Marathon has forever been changed. How horribly sad, that at one of the most recognized events across the world, went from being cheered and celebrated, to a horror site filled with panic and confusion. As I sit here typing this, I can’t help but be utterly thankful that everyone I know is safe after the horrible events that occurred yesterday. May the angels that were with you yesterday stay with you always.

~Keep It ClaSea

Monday, April 15, 2013


Sorry for posting nothing in over a month. There's a lot going on. We will get to all of that in due time. It's finally spring in New England. I can't say that I've loved the weather as we've only had a few nice days, but it's slowly turning the corner. I for one, could not be happier. We've already gone over how winter is two thumbs down for me so I'm as giddy as a kitten with a ball of yarn. Now that the winter is over there's so much to do. Projects inside the house, yard work, gardening, making my hanging flower baskets, getting some color on these Casper shade legs of mine. That last one isn't a priority. ...yet. Isn't it funny how when the weather is nicer everyone seems to have that sense of urgency and needing to get things done?

So here's my list of things to the end of this month. And I will need every minute and hour of those days that I'm not working!

1. Finish front garden area. Believe me this area needs some major help. Note to all homeowners: NEVER use wood chips as mulch. The people that buy your house after you've moved on will loathe your effort to beautify the house. Prime example: me. There are years and years worth of wood chips that were used to "mulch" the front garden bed.
2. Burn baby burn. I like controlled and contained fire. Candles, fireplace, bonfires, grills, etc. Spring naturally plays right into this, as it's burning season; or it is in my town for the next few weeks. Lots to get done. Goodbye lingering leaves, toodle-loo fallen branches, and adios downed trees! For any of you out there, please follow the rules set forth by your town if you are going to be burning brush! There are rules for a reason, but most importantly for your safety and protection.
3. Edge driveway (both sides) with crushed stone.
4. Install lattice under front porch to keep out stray cats that torment Levi. (It seems as though people in my town love to have cats, but never keep them inside the house. There are at least 5 cats that wander through my yard on a daily basis. I love cats, but this is pushing it...)
5. Make post sign as seen below. Thank you Pinterest.

I know that this list doesn't sound or look like much is to be done Believe is. I will make sure to take some before and after pictures so you can see exactly what I mean when I say it's a lot of work.

Stay tuned as this week I'm cooking a turkey on our Big Green Egg. Recipe, details, and pictures will be posted! In the meantime go to this website, Big Green Egg, to learn all about the amazing smoker/grill that is my BFF during the summer.

~Keep It ClaSea