
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Marathon Madness

Patriot’s Day.
Tax Day.
Boston Marathon.
Red Sox Day Game.
Gruesome Injuries.


Never in a million years would I have thought those last few words would become synonymous with the Boston Marathon. This was once a truly wonderful mark of springtime creeping into the city of Boston...and now, one can only imagine how it will be viewed in the years to follow.

I spent four years at Regis College, which is located in Weston, MA, just outside of Boston. It was inevitable that every year we were packing up and going to the race to cheer on friends and of course, when we were of age having “marathons” of our own. When you go to school near or in the city of Boston; better yet actually move to the city, the city becomes yours. You feel ownership, you pick up the Boston accent; which is like a language in itself; you live for the diversity of the city, and have an overwhelming sense of pride that is accompanied by a twinge of arrogance. The city becomes your home, regardless of who you are, or where you originally arrived from. You are now a Bostonian! ...and although it's not a saying, "Once a Bostonian, ALWAYS a Bostonian" it is the truth.

All these years later, I still feel that same sense of ownership. My sense of pride has not faltered, but my heart is saddened. You never think it will happen to you or in “your city.” Then it does. You think you are untouchable. Then the bubble is popped. Once the initial shock has hit you, you have tremendous amounts of pride and appreciation for the first responders. To the police officers, volunteers, and the medical staff that are on site and in the hospitals; a tremendous thank you to all of you for keeping your sanity and composure at a time when I'm sure you couldn't begin to fathom what was going to happen next. And to the runners that crossed the line and started attending to the wounded? There are not words sufficient enough to describe your efforts. 

Marathon Monday will never be the same to these people. Point blankly, Marathon Monday, in every single aspect will never be the same.

As of April 15, 2013, this Marathon has forever been changed. How horribly sad, that at one of the most recognized events across the world, went from being cheered and celebrated, to a horror site filled with panic and confusion. As I sit here typing this, I can’t help but be utterly thankful that everyone I know is safe after the horrible events that occurred yesterday. May the angels that were with you yesterday stay with you always.

~Keep It ClaSea

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