
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Take a Chance Day- 4/23/2013

Take a Chance Day

So here goes nothing! For those of you that didn't know me back in high school, I ran cross country and track in the spring. I remember coming home after one of the first few days of school my freshman year and telling my parents I signed up to run cross country. My mom smiled and I don't recall her saying anything, just kind of staring at me with a very surprised expression. My dad on the other hand responded very seriously with, "you know that is distance running, right?" Me, "...yes." All the while thinking oh no, what have I gotten myself into. I figured it'd be good conditioning for basketball, but never really though about the "cross country" part of it. Turned out, and I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but back then (10+ years ago,) I was good. Not good, but quite good; much to the shock of my parents. (Horn tooted! If you need proof, I can find my medals!) Then in college I played basketball and ended up having some problems (more along the lines of LOTS of problems,) with my ankles, which essentially ended my collegiate basketball career; if you could have called it that. Ever since then running has been something I occasionally do, but never really dove right back into and I should have. Yesterday, April 23, 2013, was “Take a Chance Day.” So thank you Liz for being the inspiration behind all of this! Liz (a friend from Regiville,) was the one that told me it was “Take a Chance Day,” which led to this decision, and subsequently this post.

     I am going to run at least four 5k’s (in the running world that’s 3.2miles,) by the end of this year. (Sidenote: Did I mention there are some GREAT quotes about running?? Two of my favorite are in this post.) Currently, I am thinking “just shoot me, you're insane, when was the last time you actually RAN?" Yes, I'm insane! The only running I've done recently is chasing after Levi, or to the fridge to get some ice cream during TV commercials. This will be fun. (Insert sarcasm.) However, here’s how I look at it. I’m trying to be more attentive to my overall health, and running certainly isn’t going to slow that process down…and I’ve never complained about shedding a few pounds! I used to be able to run 10 miles because “I felt like it,” or because that was the practice course of the day; and I miss being able to do that! The last reason is because there’s a 5k in September that I know my dad will run, and I want to be able to do it with him. (More about that in a separate post.) ...maybe, my sister and I will be able to run one together with our husbands? I know how I need to train, but I also downloaded the “Couch to 5K” application on my phone, as an additional way to monitor and keep track of how I’m doing. 

     I am aiming to have the first race completed by the end of July…and then will register for other runs! I know that one of the four will ABSOLUTELY be the color run. I’ve had tons of friends run it, and it looks like a blast! It’s exciting and scary, but something I am definitely looking forward to doing. What are your suggestions for running shoes? I used to be a HUGE fan of Reebok’s (whether they were sneakers, flats, or my spikes,) but in recent years I’ve found that the shoes are not what the used to be. …and I’m flat footed, so I need something with crazy arch support. I will definitely need to create a play list for running, have you been listening to anything that’s helped you keep going? Your suggestions on ALL of this are greatly appreciated, as I'll surely need the motivation the next few weeks :)

**This is all starting on Monday, so please excuse any posts early next week that are full of complaints about sore muscles and not being able to move!**

-Keep It ClaSea

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