
Monday, April 15, 2013


Sorry for posting nothing in over a month. There's a lot going on. We will get to all of that in due time. It's finally spring in New England. I can't say that I've loved the weather as we've only had a few nice days, but it's slowly turning the corner. I for one, could not be happier. We've already gone over how winter is two thumbs down for me so I'm as giddy as a kitten with a ball of yarn. Now that the winter is over there's so much to do. Projects inside the house, yard work, gardening, making my hanging flower baskets, getting some color on these Casper shade legs of mine. That last one isn't a priority. ...yet. Isn't it funny how when the weather is nicer everyone seems to have that sense of urgency and needing to get things done?

So here's my list of things to the end of this month. And I will need every minute and hour of those days that I'm not working!

1. Finish front garden area. Believe me this area needs some major help. Note to all homeowners: NEVER use wood chips as mulch. The people that buy your house after you've moved on will loathe your effort to beautify the house. Prime example: me. There are years and years worth of wood chips that were used to "mulch" the front garden bed.
2. Burn baby burn. I like controlled and contained fire. Candles, fireplace, bonfires, grills, etc. Spring naturally plays right into this, as it's burning season; or it is in my town for the next few weeks. Lots to get done. Goodbye lingering leaves, toodle-loo fallen branches, and adios downed trees! For any of you out there, please follow the rules set forth by your town if you are going to be burning brush! There are rules for a reason, but most importantly for your safety and protection.
3. Edge driveway (both sides) with crushed stone.
4. Install lattice under front porch to keep out stray cats that torment Levi. (It seems as though people in my town love to have cats, but never keep them inside the house. There are at least 5 cats that wander through my yard on a daily basis. I love cats, but this is pushing it...)
5. Make post sign as seen below. Thank you Pinterest.

I know that this list doesn't sound or look like much is to be done Believe is. I will make sure to take some before and after pictures so you can see exactly what I mean when I say it's a lot of work.

Stay tuned as this week I'm cooking a turkey on our Big Green Egg. Recipe, details, and pictures will be posted! In the meantime go to this website, Big Green Egg, to learn all about the amazing smoker/grill that is my BFF during the summer.

~Keep It ClaSea

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