
Sunday, February 10, 2013

MY Snow Storm Essentials

Like every New Englander that’s reading this, we can pretty much count on at least one heck of a snow storm that is going to keep us trapped inside. And out of work for two days! It could be because you have yet to shovel or snow blow; the governor has issued a driving ban; or your road simply hasn’t been plowed, regardless of the reason, here are my “lifesavers” during these blizzards.

1. A stack of good books. Make sure you have an assortment; you’ll never know what you want to read until it becomes one of your only available options. Try to keep a few different things on hand, you don’t want to read a book because “it’s the only one I had.” That is forever how you’ll refer to it…"during Nemo which was the blizzard of 2013, I only had this book ___*insert title here*___, laying around so I had to read it." You’ve pretty much ruined any subsequent praise you could give. My two choices and the "thumbs status." Sorry to those of you that recommended Bel Canto, I was so relieved when I finished it. My exact words after reading the last page to the hubby were "Thank God that's over."
Sorry Patchett...Kudos Hannah
2. Junk food. Duh, that’s a given. I always have ONE of my go to snacks in the cabinet ready to hunker down with. You did read that correctly, there’s only one that I allow myself to indulge in during a bad storm. There’s no need to go completely haywire and buy every pint of Ben & Jerry’s or pick 5 different flavored bags of chips. You don’t need to lose all control. When you do (I’m speaking from experience,) you will feel like a horribly disgusting person. Bragging about the “spread” of junk food consumed in a 48 hour span isn’t something to be proud of. People will make strange faces, their jaws will drop, and they’ll think you’re “cray cray” after you’ve finished off rattling “the intake” list. My choice for Nemo 2013 was Nacho Cheese Doritos. I did I thoroughly enjoy them…the orange fingers not so much. You win some you lose some.
3. Lifetime supply of scented candles. They really aren’t necessary unless the power goes out, which at our house, seems to be every time the wind blows. Ok, that was an exaggeration, maybe every other time the wind blows. Miraculously enough, we didn’t lose power this past weekend. I can’t even begin to express how much I love walking into a room that smells like a totally different world. Saturday it was Yankee Candle “Fireside,” which is this weird ash gray color. How fitting. Currently I’m burning “Vanilla Honey” by Simple Living. Truth be told, you do not need a storm to let an intoxicating aroma waft through your home. There’s something soothing about the flicker of a flame. Confession: I’m a candle hoarder, I have a trunk (it’s small,) but it’s chock full of jarred fragrant wax in seasonal scents.
4. Wine. Do you really need reasoning?
5. Crafting supplies. It’s time to get your inner Martha Stewart on. Or at least via Pinterest, so that you can think about and plan for all of the projects you want to do, but not right now. I did a lot of “pinning” and not a lot of “crafting.” Although, I am currently in the process of wrapping up a project that has taken me much longer than I anticipated.
6. Last, but most important…Husband and Levi. Sorry, you’ll have to get your own version of these. J The hubby appreciates my delirious comments after too much sleep and agrees with all of the amazingly expensive projects I suggest we have done around the house; never pointing out that I make NO sense, or that we don’t have a gazillion dollars to create my dream home. The hubby, by the way, did a hell of a job shoveling. Levi is endless entertainment. He’s like a rabbit/cat/ninja combination that thinks he weighs 10lbs, but forgets he’s 80lbs. Now that I’m typing this I am realizing that this storm he was utterly boring. The majority of the time (99.9% of it to be frank,) he was plopped on the couch nudging us out of where we were sitting so he could sprawl out.
Mom if you could just move...
~Keep It ClaSea

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