
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Diving In

As I sit here typing, all I can think is "why am I doing this?" Let me answer that question, and so you know, I've done it in list format because I'm obsessed with lists. I can guarantee this is the first of many to come...

#1. I've always liked keeping a journal/diary/notebook full of my thoughts, records of events, or quotes and phrases that I've liked. I wanted to incorporate fun pictures, different fonts, and all of those other fun things. The issue with that is I hardly ever print out pictures unless I have a frame that is specified for said picture. And while I can change my writing to "look different," it becomes time consuming and eventually frustrating. Not fun. Here I can highlight this, click that, and ta-da!

#2. I want something to hold myself accountable to. We've all made lists of things we want to do, or our goals for the month or year. ...and if you haven't, don't worry I've done it enough times to count for you. Let me be quite frank, when things don't go the way you're planning, or you don't complete those "goals," it's sooooooo easy to tear that piece of paper out and throw it away. Problem solved. It's easy at first because you aren't flipping past that page with the dreaded "list" and it feels like a weight has been lifted. Then it kicks in when that time frame is coming to an end. You can't help but think of all of the things you wanted to do (and probably should have,) that you didn't. By starting my blog, I am keeping myself responsible for things that I want to work for and achieve over time. ...and all of you are going to hold me to it. Your comments, whether they're encouraging or snide (not everyone always has the nicest words to say,) will push me to do things that I should do...but lots of the time find easier to not do!

#3. Writing, in this case typing, is therapeutic for me. It's a release of EVERYTHING and I'm sure it will provide me with laughter down the road when reading these. Maybe, and I can only hope, that it will make someone else smile; provide me with some insight as to who I really am; and that the naive person inside of me will help someone with what I've written.

#4. My life isn't all roses. There are scary, uncertain, and disappointing times. I'll share those too. I'm not going to only blog about all of the great things in my life, and believe me there are LOTS...but life isn't always "sunny." I'm very good (that's an understatement, confirmation can be given from any of my family members) at keeping my feelings inside, letting them build up, and going all nuclear bomb dropping on everyone.

So as we delve into this very public chronicle of my life I'll say this...saddle up, you're in for a ride!

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