
Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm Backkkk!

Did you think that was the end of me? I haven't posted since Wednesday...sorry! However, this post will fill you in on what exciting things I've been up to!

Thursday Recap
Work, believe me it wasn't that exciting. Upon arriving home (I work until 7pm on Thursdays,) I found that my hubby had made a delicious dinner! I've hit the jackpot with him I tell you...he can cook, he LIKES to cook, and he is GOOD at it! The night before Wednesday night he put some steaks in a ziploc baggie with Italian salad dressing and had put the in the fridge to marinate overnight. The steak was cooked perfectly, and for me to say that is quite impressive as I don't particularly like red all. My hubby on the other hand could have it every night of the week. End of story, there's nothing better than coming home to a fully prepared dinner. After that it was Grey's Anatomy time. I was kind of "eh" with this episode. I do have a feeling that there is going to be some epic amounts of drama with the physician adviser, Dr. Alana Cahill. Then Dr. Bailey goes and throws it (the multimillion dollar settlement,) in McDreamy's face; did NOT see that coming as Bailey is usually the voice of reason. I have a feeling the rest of the season is going to be riddled with tension and of course some sort of colossal disaster, as that's what Grey's Anatomy does best. Do any of you watch the show? What are you thoughts/favorite characters?
*Thursday wasn't super exciting...but just wait until Friday...

Friday Recap
I was asked on a date!!! Relax, the person asking was my hubby :) ...too bad that wasn't the only part of the day. Before the date it was work, followed by some banking, and then to the vet to get Levi his prescription weight management food. It's like Weight Watchers for your canine friends. I do have to say, and I might be biased, that Levi would be better in a commercial than Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Hudson. He's dropped over 20lbs in the past few months. He hardly "works out," this picture below shows Levi at his best: cuddled up and sleeping on the couch. He wasn't exactly fat he was just...well yes, fat it accurate. But he didn't look fat! Maybe a little pudgy. I mean what Rottweiler Labrador mix have you seen that's skinny? That's what I thought.

So Friday night we left our strapping four legged friend and went to the movies. Matthew and I both love going to the movies, but we find that there are certain films that should be seen for the first time in the theater. Case in point, Zero Dark Thirty. I'm a sucker for anything with history, the military, and politics; Matthew also likes those, but it didn't hurt that there were some machine guns or explosions. Jessica Chastain was fantastic as MayaMy favorite quote from Maya...

Maya: (to Navy SEALs) Quite frankly, I didn't even want to use you guys, with your dip and Velcro and all your gear bullshit. I wanted to drop a bomb. But people didn't believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb. So they're using you guys as canaries. And, in theory, if bin Laden isn't there, you can sneak away and no one will be the wiser. But bin Laden is there. And you're going to kill him for me.

Yes, that's right, it was a WOMAN who organized the fatal attack on bin Laden. Did I mention that it has 5 Oscar nominations, 59 other nominations, and 56 wins out of those. Check it out Zero Dark Thirty.

Saturday Recap
That my friends is a totally separate post in itself. Preview: Boxing and the TD Garden in Boston. Check back on Monday, the post will be up.

~Keep It ClaSea

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