
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Where Have I Been?

"...that's one secret I'll never tell. XOXO, Gossip Girl "

Ok, so the line really isn't "Where have I been? That's one secret I'll never tell. XOXO Gossip Girl," however I changed it to suit my needs, or my blog title for today. In the past 24 months, two of my favorite TV shows have ended and the third is ending in a few months. The two shows I'm referring to are "One Tree Hill" and "Gossip Girl." I didn't necessarily LOVE all of the seasons, and was surprised sometimes when they were renewed for another year, but I was a true fan. I relived high school weekly with One Tree Hill (except there was no river court; our outdoors court didn't even have lights at night,) and at times wished desperately to have the lifestyle of the Upper Eastsiders in Gossip Girl (although if I had their lifestyle, I'd probably be typing this blog from some exotic location looking at designers sketches for the S/S 2014 collections.) I am a late twenty year old who loved the scandal, fashion, and absurdity that these shows provided. The more "mature" late twenty something year old is also sad (read as: devastated) to report that in a few weeks "Private Practice" will be ending. Hot doctors, GREAT clothes, beach houses, and drama. Noticing a trend? You has the same elements of "OTH" and "GG" with characters that are older. Apparently the last year could be dubbed "Kill Caitlin's TV Shows." TV has nothing to do with the rest of this blog, but the title does. And I, unlike Gossip Girl, will tell.

So here's my first "goal" for the new year. The first is to get back to the "fit & healthy Caitlin." I used to be able to run 5 miles at any given time, throw on a bikini and smile (see my profile picture,) and eat whatever I wanted because I was so active. Now, I can run 5 miles if you give me a 24 hours; buy a bikini, and then find a cover up/wrap that shows no iota of my skin other than arms & legs; and still eat whatever I want because "you only live once." How that "YOLO" thing kills me; it's SO true, but on the flip side you can live longer when you're healthier. ...the kicker? I am NOT going to diet and I'm not going to run until I pass out; trust me that wouldn't take very long. I'm going to make LIFE changes. All you skeptics are reading this thinking "yeah right."

I've already done three HUGE things. Drum roll please and cue the list...
#1. I've cut my 3-4, sometimes 5 (I'm not kidding!) cups of coffee PER DAY to only 1; and have even skipped it all together on some days. This means I've eliminated tablespoons of sugar and probably a 1/2 cup of cream...DAILY.  If you know me, you know how much I loveeeeee my coffee and my Starbucks. Let me cut the bull, there's NO NEED to consume that much.
#2. I've started drinking 2-3 bottles of water a day. I used to go a few days without drinking more than 8oz of water. Why? I.hate.drinking.water. However, it's better for me and I notice a huge difference in my skin when I drink more of it.
#3. Growing up it was mandatory that we drank milk, which was A-OK with me because I loved it. My father and I could finish off a gallon of milk in 2 days. Then I went to college. Milk was replaced with soda/iced tea, which was then replaced with beer/wine. Milk had become a thing of "my childhood." My inner self  and the former athlete in me are yelling "Osteoporosis!!! Milk Does A Body Good! Strong Bones!" To which I reply: "SHUTUP inner self! I'm aware." I can't start drinking all of the milk that I missed over the years, but I've made a conscious effort to have a HUGE glass of milk everyday.

"Where have I been" is the perfect title for this. Not only did it inform you of the ridiculous TV shows that I watched but I told you a little bit about the old me. I know where I've been. Restaurants and bars all over Massachusetts, as well as my living room or den...plopped on the couch. I was going to say sitting, but that sounds "prim & implies posture" and I was more "slouched & sprawled out." I haven't necessarily been hiding, I got complacent and convinced myself I could eat whatever I wanted. I'm literally laughing out loud as I'm typing this and can hear my mom saying "a minute on the lips, forever on the hips." That was one of those expressions I used to laugh at; now it's laughing at me. I'll keep you posted on this obstacle course. It's my obstacle course because anytime I (or maybe you have this problem as well,) try to "fix" something it's never easy and there are more obstacles than I can count. Hold on's sure to get bumpy!

~Keep it ClaSea

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