
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wednesday With a W.W. #1

So yes, it's Thursday...but I'm going to recap my Wednesday for you. The day started off with me oversleeping, which wouldn't have been such a big deal, had I not agreed to take some extra office hours. Fast forward to 12:10pm; out of "work"and the juggling begins.

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home. I suppose I should rewind to me sitting in the parking lot of the store! This was probably the one time I didn't have a grocery list with me. I knew I was making chili for dinner, and wanted to start a baked potato soup for Thursday night. There was also a smoothie recipe that a friend had resposted on Pinterest that had my name written all over it. (I was just getting the ingredients, I wasn't making these tonight.) But I didn't have a list of what I needed. Easily solved with my iPhone! **This thing by the way is seriously a life saver.** I pulled up the recipes and created a new note in my phone and I was ready to go. (I highly recommend, in fact it should be written law, that people can't go into grocery stores without a list in hand. It keeps you on track, cuts down on the "cruising" the aisles, and reduces the time you spend in the store!)

Two words can sum up my grocery store trip: training day. The bagger at my register had nooooooo idea what he was doing, and had a manager over his shoulder dictating every move. I thought of a few things while watching the groceries get slammed (literally) into the bags. If I had someone breathing down my neck and hovering behind me I'd be in a foul mood but I'd try to hide it; or at least attempt a smile. Additionally, when giving direction it's best not to be sarcastic or rude. In all honesty what teenage boy goes grocery shopping, or care how things are bagged? What teenage boy stops to take note of how groceries are bagged when they arrive home when they're going to devour half of it in five minutes. (I am not stereotyping teenage boys here, I'm speaking as the older sister of a younger brother, a former babysitter, and as a friend that remembers these instances.) Unless you are a "bagger" or female, you probably could care less as to the order of which your items are stacked and bagged.

Upon arriving home I had a game plan. I find when there are multiple things going on, and some with time restrictions; it keeps me focused and allows me to bee bop around to a few different things all at once. I threw in a load of laundry and started the dishwasher. People tell me all the time you shouldn't have them both running at the same time. To that I say "ok." ...and I do it anyway! In the time that it takes my dishwasher to run through, we always run the "heavy" cycle, I can wash a load of clothes, get them dried, and already have another load half way through the wash! To the naysayers, it's called multitasking. And I LOVE IT. When the dishwasher, washer, and dryer were all running I made the chili.

We have an awesome chili recipe that calls for green peppers. I believe at the grocery store green peppers were $3.49/lb. These peppers were HUGE and each one that I weighed was at least 1lb. ...and I needed two peppers, $6.98 for two peppers? ABSURD. Then I noticed the prepacked red, orange, and yellow pepper container. These three peppers were $5.99...that's a whole DOLLAR less than what it would have cost for the two green peppers, and there were MORE! I even checked the weight to ensure this. I must say, I prefer the variety of colors and the different peppers in the chili. They gave it a whole different flavor (sweeter, which was nice with the spiciness of the chili, and added some beautiful color! Peppers are interchangeable. Different colors will give different flavors. For those of you with children, different colors than what they are used to seeing their food in will blow their mind. And for everyone reading this...if it's going to save you a dollar, and you're going to get more, GO FOR IT!

Let me sum this up for the time that one dishwasher cycle ran I did the following: washed, dried, and folded a load of laundry; washed a second load of laundry; made a batch of chili; and took Levi out for some playtime and a bathroom break (I didn't think you needed all of those details!) Does it also count that I ran the dishwasher?!

Wednesday Wifey Lesson #1. Anytime you can multitask, do it! It will keep you constantly moving and you won't get bored. Then again how could you? You are zipping around the house like a bee!

Please don't think that's all I did, that wouldn't be anything to "brag" about. That was just what I did while the dishwasher was running. I then took all of the ornaments off the Christmas trees (yes, that's plural...I had 3 trees;) "broke down" the trees; "put away Christmas;" cut 5lbs of potatoes for a Baked Potato Soup; made the soup; finished the other load of laundry AND did another one, folding included; and vacuumed the living room, kitchen, and hallway. Starting time was roughly 2:15pm and end time was 6:00pm.

After dinner and talking with the hubby, I enjoyed the rest of my evening (with my feet up!) of Law & Order SVU and Chicago Fire...with some dark chocolates and a glass or milk.  

~Keep it ClaSea

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