
Monday, January 7, 2013


I don't exactly feel that I need to do this, as I'm sure the majority of you reading this are here because you've come across my facebook posts regarding the blog, but for those of you that have "stumbled and tripped" upon my page: HI!

If you're going to be reading the things that I write, maybe you should know a little more about me, as that could help you understand my take on whatever it is I've posted.

The Basics and Some Cold Hard Facts. 
*I'm 28. I don't have an issue with saying it; but you can ask me that same question 5 years from now and it might be different. Although you'd already know how old I am...
*I'm married, to this "amazeballs" guy (Yes, I know amazeballs isn't a word; Giuliana Rancic says it and I love her so I have deemed it worthy,) and we will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary on 1.16.2013. You will hear about "the hubby" a lot...if you don't like it, well I don't know what to tell you! I'd say leave, but this blog isn't stricly about my husband, so stick it out.
*Our "baby" is our 4 legged adopted shepherd/lab/rottweiler/husky/coon-hound mutt Levi. He's from Tennessee. We really have NO idea what he is, he was found under an abandoned railroad car in TN with him mom and brother, and are presented with a new mix almost everytime we are at the vet. ...which is frequently. Let's put it this way, our dog is the biggest baby; and will ham everything up for extra attention, cuddles, sleeping on our bed; and especially when it comes to spending our money at the vet's office. You'll here more about "Leeves" or "LBL," afterall he is my child...and I brag.
*We bought a house in March 2011. I so desperately wanted to be a homeowner, and now I am. Feel free to interpret that however you may. You'll get the scoop later on.  
*Forewarning: if you do not like crafts, DIY projects, or getting your inner Martha Stewart on reading this blog will make you scream, cry, and pull your hair out. Oh, some of you might be inspired, but my money is on the screamers. I do it all: cooking, baking, knitting, DIY projects, party planning, gardening, home decor; blah blah blah. Scared yet? There will be numerous posts of before and after projects; recipes that I've tried with my reviews; and lots of things pertaining to cupcakes.
*I am a self professed book junkie. I will read anything and pretty much everything. Give me your suggestions! There will be mention of what book I'm reading, random quotes, and sometimes a review/vent session about a book that I've either loved or loathed.
*I'm a middle child. {Gasp, that explains everything!}

FYI's: It's what make me...ME!
*I could live on Starbucks. Bring on the lattes! Preferably venti, with whipped cream, and my name spelled correctly!
*Mornings suck. They always have. They always will. I'm still in the process of "coming to terms" with this at the age of 28. I'm screwed if we have children.
*I like swearing. Actually I really like swearing. This makes my parents cringe.
*I wear flannel pajamas year round...I can't help it, I'm always cold.
*I'm Irish and German. Hence, my ability to drink and hold an exceptional grudge; did I mention I'm exceptionally stubborn?
*God. I believe in him. I also think he has some twisted sense of humor that I will never figure out.
*I run a cupcake business on the side. Let me clear a few things up about that: it started out as a hobby...because I'm good at it, and I AM good at it...I now do it to make extra money. So no, I will not make you cupcakes "just because." I will use you though; more so your taste buds to try things I'm working on.
*I can cry at anytime for seemingly no reason. (There IS always a reason...)
*I type things that I'm thinking, that I really shouldn't be typing. Did you follow that? Because it sure sounds confusing reading it back...
*I despise winter.
*Reality TV (Housewives {any location,} Giuliana & Bill, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, and I'll go to hell for admitting this "KKUWTK") are my biggest guilty pleasures. Sidenote: I love Khloe Kardashian and detest Kim more than is considered humanly normal.
*I was once dubbed "Grammar Queen." Pet peeves: people that screw up you're and your OR there, their, and they' their "i's" with heart or stars...start every other sentence with "like"...or have big bubbly swirling writing like a 13 year old girl...or insist they can write a paragraph in one sentence. CAUTION: we are going to have some SERIOUS issues.

~Keep it ClaSea!

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