
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Typing With Wine...You Be The Judge

So it isn't really the wine that is's the wine influencing whatever I am typing :) You know a little bit about me from the past two blogs, but now I'm going to get into the "good" stuff. Tuesdays could possibly be my favorite day of the week, especially in the winter. It's post-Bachelor Monday, Private Practice is on (it's the LAST season,) and I'm off from work on Wednesdays! SCORE!

Most importantly, happy 30th birthday to my amazing husband. If this month so far, and what we hve planned so far is any indication of the year we have ahead of us, I will wake up every morning with a massive smile and counting my blessings. know how hard it is for me to say that I'll wake up witha  smile!

So let me start with "The Bachelor," Sean. He's hot. It obviously doesn't take a genius to determine that...blond hair, blue eyes, he's got a killer accent (I love me some Texas guys,) and ABS...ohhhh those abs!! For the females reading this, you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Maybe I like Sean's abs more than I like him. Now...the ladies he met last night! I was floored; like jaw dropped to the floor and in need of a reminder to close my mouth, type floored. And here comes the LIST, and my pointers for how women should stay "ClaSea."
#1. You do NOT under any circumstance do back flips in an evening gown. Never. If you don't see gold medal winning Olympians doing their floor routines in floor length sequined gowns, you shouldn't let the thought cross your mind.
#2. Sometimes what you read, and the thoughts you have, should in your own mind. ...or they can be discussed with your girlfriends! Which brings me to "Fifty Shades of Grey." If you haven't read the books, don't worry I have; and can sum it up with the following: Christian Grey is smoldering, he likes it "buck wild," and does interesting things with a tie...and CRAZY things (you'll have to determine whether they are good or bad,) with other stuff. Never, ever, ever should you refer to ANY part or aspect of these books on the first night you meet your potential husband! If you are that into "Fifty Shades Of Grey" find someone who is willing to get "tied up" with you....hahahahaha. I'm still cringing because of how this woman acted.
#3. On the night your are "looking to impress" stick to a two drink maximum rule. For some of you, don't dare cross the one drink line. Being a "hot drunk mess" looks good on NO ONE and you've now embarrassed yourself on national television. Way to be!
#4. Lastly and probably the most important: what is on trend in fashion/dress style does NOT look good on everyone. Stick with something that you are comfortable in. If you aren't comfortable, in what you are wearing people will notice and then write blogs about it :) Stick with what works best for you, and I can guarantee that others will pick up on that. In my book, comfortable exudes confidence; while being uncomfortable in what your wearing displays all of your uncertainty.

The blog tomorrow is going to be awesome. Wednesday my blogs are going to take a different won't be about me, or the TV shows that I watch. ...we are going to delve into what I do as a "wifey," or a "modern day domestic woman." Cooking, cleaning, housework, and all of those things. No need to fear, they're pretty freakin' fantastic and the amounts of tips/pointers I will provide will blow your mind. Therefore, I've dubbed them "Wednesdays With a Working Wifey."

~Keep it ClaSea!

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