
Monday, January 21, 2013

"Gone Girl" By Gillian Flynn

I typically ask my Facebook friends what books they're reading, and what they would recommend for me to read. I get a varied assortment of replies; as my friends all have different interests and some have particular genres that they will never deviate from. At the end of December, I ordered some books from Barnes & Noble. By some, I mean 12. (I feel like I am the sole reason Barnes & Noble is still open, I probably spend an astronomical amount of money there every year; but I never feel guilty about purchasing books!) Anyway, among these books was one that a Facebook friend, Ms. Hill suggested I read. Her boss had been raving about it, and she was about to read it so naturally, I decided this was going to be a good read.

Book: "Gone Girl"
Author: Gillian Flynn

I finished reading the book this past weekend, and last night spent about a half hour telling both my mother in law and my mother (who had already started the book,) that this is a must read. Duh, it was on the NY Times Best Seller List. Even though it was on that list you'd assume that you should read it...and really...this is MUST READ people!!!

Flynn wasted no time making me feel like Nick and Amy could be any married couple I know. (I am hoping I know no one that is this screwed up, and I'm quite sure I'm in the clear!) She developed their characters and crafted their relationship so brilliantly! I felt for each one of them, I understood the difficulties in their marriage, and numerous times asked myself did he really kill her? (I'd then have the internal dialogue: "No, there's no way he did it...but, she's driving him crazy I can understand if he did...he loves her too much, he wouldn't hurt her...oh goodness I'd kill her, she's horrible!") The book moves quickly and isn't filled with "fluff." Every word that is written is there for a reason; and is very important. This books requires your full attention. Flynn chooses her words wisely. I can confidently say that you are going to be blindsided...and if you aren't then you are clearly psychic. (Now go get a glass ball and some tarot cards.) I was dumbfounded. I literally went back 50 pages, and reread them. Could I really have been that aloof??

The stories of their marriage and their individual personal lives (both childhood and present day) are wound tighter than a string on a yo yo and then quickly yanked away thread by thread in mere seconds. You are then left with pieces that are beyond shattered and impossible to put back together.

...and of course, it's being turned into a movie; starring the insanely talented (and beautiful,) Reese Witherspoon as Amy...this is going to be good!

Go get this book as fast as you possibly can.!!!

~Keep it ClaSea

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